Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Your diet and exercise are key elements to cellulite reduction.
Do you need a cellulite remedy?
Whether you're slim or overweight there is a high chance that you have cellulite. And I bet you hate it!
It is estimated that 90% of all women are affected by the "orange peel" look to their thighs or buttocks.
So the good news is:
You are not alone.
The bad news is:
However, cellulite is hard to eliminate completely once you have it.
But don't lose hope just yet! You can win this battle!
There are numerous ways to minimize these dimpled fat deposits and that's exactly what Cellulite Remedy Guide will help you with.
There are so many different "wonder" creams and treatments on the market that it is extremely frustrating to decide which ones to try.
This page will shed some light and help you make an informed decision about what works for you. So if you are ready... Let's get started.
Cellulite is an accumulation of fat, water and toxins that your body failed to eliminate. It mostly appears in thighs, buttocks and hips.
Some contributing factors are:
* Poor diet
* lack of exercise
* smoking
* hormonal changes
* aging
Do you want to learn in more detail about what is cellulite and what causes it ? I dedicated a separate page for your convenience.
Now let's move on to the treatments...
We will start with the most important one which is diet and exercise.
Are you surprised?
No matter what other "miracle" treatments you try, if you don't adjust your diet, and increase your physical activity, you might as well do nothing. I can't stress that enough.
Your diet and exercise are key elements to cellulite reduction.
It is estimated that 90% of all women are affected by the "orange peel" look to their thighs or buttocks.
So the good news is:
You are not alone.
The bad news is:
However, cellulite is hard to eliminate completely once you have it.
But don't lose hope just yet! You can win this battle!
There are numerous ways to minimize these dimpled fat deposits and that's exactly what Cellulite Remedy Guide will help you with.
There are so many different "wonder" creams and treatments on the market that it is extremely frustrating to decide which ones to try.
This page will shed some light and help you make an informed decision about what works for you. So if you are ready... Let's get started.
Cellulite is an accumulation of fat, water and toxins that your body failed to eliminate. It mostly appears in thighs, buttocks and hips.
Some contributing factors are:
* Poor diet
* lack of exercise
* smoking
* hormonal changes
* aging
Do you want to learn in more detail about what is cellulite and what causes it ? I dedicated a separate page for your convenience.
Now let's move on to the treatments...
We will start with the most important one which is diet and exercise.
Are you surprised?
No matter what other "miracle" treatments you try, if you don't adjust your diet, and increase your physical activity, you might as well do nothing. I can't stress that enough.
Your diet and exercise are key elements to cellulite reduction.